Aging and Age Studies: Foundations and Formations
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, May 19-22, 2015
The North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS) was established in 2013 to bring together scholars and researchers from across a variety of disciplines—humanities, arts, gerontology, anthropology, sociology, health care, and others—interested in critical examinations of how age is conceptualized, defined, experienced, performed, and critiqued. At this inaugural research conference, we seek to build on the foundations of and define new formations in this vital and growing field.
We invite scholarship and research that provides fresh insights into changing manifestations and interpretations of age through engagement with cultural texts (e.g., literature, history, media, public policy, adaptive technology), as well as qualitative or other meaning-based approaches. Presentations might investigate local and global implications of age and aging; consider how diverse approaches to studying age can enable richer understanding in traditional academic disciplines; develop new, cross-disciplinary methodologies that expose the often-unacknowledged effects of age relations and age assumptions; and/or examine ethical, political, philosophical, or practical questions about what it means to be humans living through time.
Proposal abstracts for individual papers and themed sessions/symposia are welcome. Each person may participate in a maximum of two sessions.
Proposal abstracts for individual papers should include the title of the paper, an abstract of 250 words, and contact details.
Proposal abstracts for themed sessions/symposia of up to 4 presentations should include the title, an 800-word abstract that refers to each paper, and contact details of the chair(s) and contributors. Researchers and scholars in all stages of their careers are welcome to submit proposals.
Proposals will be accepted until December 1, 2014. Please send abstracts to: